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Calvin Harris Recalls The Time An ER Had To Restart His Heart In 2014

Calvin Harris has lots of stories to tell for being one of the world’s top DJs. Whether it’s flying back and forth from Ibiza to his residencies in Las Vegas or playing the world’s biggest festivals, there must be some story for every show he plays.

Back in 2014, Calvin had quite the interesting year medically. “Interesting year for me 2014, started with me knocking myself off number 1 in the UK and ended with my heart getting restarted in the ER,” he tweeted.

That November, Harris pulled out from performing at the MTV European Music Awards, tweeting that “heart problems” were to blame. He revealed later that year that he had been diagnosed with an arrhythmia, characterized by an irregular heartbeat.

Putting down the bottle helped him to get read of the issue, as he revealed four years later during a Twitter Q&A that he was now sober. “The last thing I want to do is down 2 bottles of Jack Daniels a night, live on Greggs pasties and sleep on an absolutely stinking bus all year, scream down a mic for 55 minutes and pretend to play a keyboard 5x a week those days are behind me son,” he wrote in 2018.

He continued that “things are a bit less fun” without drinking alcohol, but that getting sober resulted in his arrhythmia not returning “since 2014.”

We’ll cheers to that… with some O’Doul’s.


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This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Calvin Harris Recalls The Time An ER Had To Restart His Heart In 2014